NCsoft Sued By TERA Online

NCsoft and companies in North America, NC Interactive, has filed a case to the district court in the southern province of New York, to prohibit the launch of TERA Online in the U.S. as well as demanding the return of confidential data on January 9th. The defendant's case is Bluehole Studio and En Masse Entertainment, a developer and publisher in the North United. NCsoft TERA has confirmed that Bluehole Studio has violated the copyright on the Lineage 3 is also claimed infringement of business secrets, breach of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) , unfair competition and a number of other reasons.

Intense relationship between NCsoft and Bluehole actually began in 2007. In 2007, NCsoft asked about the police investigation on the leakage of business secrets Bluehole Lineage 3 in Korea. In August 2008, NCsoft sued Bluehole on development issues with the demands of TERA worth 5.8 million U.S. dollars. In December of that year, prosecutors charged five former Lineage 3 developers regarding the case leaking company secrets.

In 2010, South Korean court ruled that the company prosecuted not guilty, but five people remained otherwise guilty. But TERA developers in the U.S. has not even launched today. Then why NCsoft demanding Bluhole on U.S. soil, not in Japan where commercial services have begun TERA? And why now? There are issues about the majority of industry officials who think NCsoft is trying to disrupt the North American servers are scheduled to open on 1 May. In addition, this issue also attracted the attention of the gaming industry as a controversy over claims of copyright protection, such as Sopa and PIPA that could be busy.

"We are looking for a law firm in North America, and will announce our official stance as soon as we are ready," said an official Bluehole. "Think of it this lawsuit as an extension of the previous lawsuit in Korea," said an official NCsoft.

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