Unepic RPG Download

Unepic RPG Download

Description: Unepic is a Metroidvania-style platformer RPG, designed to resemble 80's and 90 games but with better lighting effects, sound, and visuals. It includes randomly-generated weapons, light and movement-based stealth, and RPG-style skills and inventory management. In Unepic, you play Daniel, a gamer with some bad habits and a jaded attitude toward games, women, and life in general. During the RPG session with his friends, he retreated to the restroom - and finds himself in a medieval castle. And things just get progressively stranger from there.
Unepic treats its own genre with a sarcastic tongue-in-cheek, going so far as to break the fourth wall and address the player. It pokes fun at adventure games, MMOs, and RPGs table. It even has a twist ending, turning an anticipated fight scene into something deeper.
For those of you who are interested Unepic you can download at the link below:

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